Nursery in Yemenite village

About the project
This project involved Amalie, a bas mitzvah girl, her grandparents and her family. Together they set out to raise funds to rebuild and beautify a play space and nursery for children in a small Yemenite Village (adjacent to Jerusalem) comprising 35 families and 130 children. There was already a playground and nursery but the space needed repairs and was covered with graffiti. They also raised money to buy toys and games “to make their days brighter.”
How she came up with the idea?
She and her grandfather (Saba) were studying the Torah portion Chayei Sarah. Sarah’s life was filled with chesed (kindness) which inspired Amelie to find a bas mitzvah project where she could also show kindness by helping others.
How it all started?
Amalie’s grandfather had worked with an organization that assists The Yemenite village. Her grandmother is an incredible artist so Amelie asked her grandmother to provide sketches for a mural for the outside of the playcenter. She knew the children would be happier when entering a beautiful space.
How old was she when it started?
Amelie was twelve years old at the start of the project. She and her family raised over $5,000. She wanted her bat mitzvah celebration to not only be a simcha for her family but also for the Yeminite villagers.
Did you receive any assistance?
The Play Space became a family-based project. She, her grandparents, and Amelie’s family worked together to raise the money and make the project a success.
What was the scope of the project
Amelie and her family sought funds to upgrade a playground for a nursery in a Yeminite village in Israel. They also purchased new toys and games. Her grandmother, an artist, designed the artwork for the space.